An Evening with Evelyn Glennie – HMP Askham Grange

An Evening with Evelyn Glennie by Anon, resident at HMP Askham Grange When I arrived in the ballroom, I saw a large amount of different instruments and I instantly thought, “this is going to be good!” The room fell silent and suddenly Evelyn began to play the snare drum. As she played the tempo began to change and you could feel the … Read More

How listening can make a difference

Evelyn and I left Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire to the soft whispering of waves breaking on a sandy beach. Bit disconcerting as the nearest stretch of sea is at least 50 miles away. The sound, in fact, was coming from the ocean drum which was nestled between the paddle drum and the waterphone on the back seat of the car.  Each time … Read More

More Than Simply Drums & Cymbals…

Front Cover of 'More Than Simply Drums & Cymbals', subtitle 'A meander through The Evelyn Glennie Collection'

The wonderful Volunteer team for The Evelyn Glennie Collection have been working incredibly hard to bring this booklet together and we are delighted to be able to share it with you now. ‘More Than Simply Drums & Cymbals’ takes you on a journey through the extraordinary assortment of artefacts which form The Evelyn Glennie Collection, and charts the introduction and subsequent development of percussion as a solo instrument across the globe.

Seeking a Trustee Treasurer…

The Evelyn Glennie Foundation is a new Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) enabling change, connection and collaboration through better listening. Our unique mission is to 'Teach the World to Listen'. The remarkable career of Dame Evelyn Glennie has pushed the boundaries of percussion beyond all recognition. The Foundation will use her distinctive listening practices, legacy and vast career archive to inspire active, ... Read More

History in the making…

A little bit of history was made last week. I was honoured to be the first percussionist to receive the Léonie Sonning Music Prize. My acceptance speech included the following: “I am extremely honoured to address you all this evening. Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined standing here receiving an award as important and symbolic as the Leonie … Read More

The Evelyn Glennie Foundation

Image description: A black and white photo of Evelyn, with The Evelyn Glennie Foundation logo in white floating over a dark section. The logo is a series of five concentric circles, with two hands reaching to meet each other, one of which is helping the other 'up'. In the photo, Evelyn is wearing her glasses during a conversation, and is smiling broadly.

I am absolutely thrilled to share the news that The Evelyn Glennie Foundation is now a registered charity!   The Evelyn Glennie Foundation is a charity imbued with the ethos and ambitions of its namesake. A pioneering solo percussionist, sound creator and expert listener, Evelyn’s experiences as a profoundly deaf musician have reframed our understanding of what it means to … Read More

Listen book wins award

Congratulations to Shannon Stocker and Devon Holzwarth on winning the Schneider Family Book Award for best Picture Book in the 2023 American Library Association Youth Media Awards, for Listen: How Evelyn Glennie, a Deaf Girl, Changed Percussion! For those of you not familiar with the award, the Schneider Family Book Awards honour an author or illustrator for a book that … Read More

Access All Areas – Scala Radio

Scala Radio - Access All Areas - Show Icon

I’m delighted to share the news that my #AccessAllAreas with Scala Radio is getting some really important and wonderful feedback. In the UK, November marks Disability History Month, and this 4-part series will challenge expectations of what it means to be a disabled musician today.

Hitting the right note with inclusion

Dame Evelyn Glennie CH, Robert Gordon University’s Chancellor, discusses widening participation among underrepresented groups and eliminating barriers to higher education, drawing from her lived experiences.

Who’s Listening?

© Kaupo Kikkas - photo ref 208319

Photo: Kaupo Kikkas I wonder how often we pause to reflect on how much we interpret the world we live in, or how much we translate it? We may see a grassy lawn and accept it as just that…or we may pause, look at it, smell it, note its texture and colors and thickness, and notice life in the blades … Read More